Recreation and Parks Department

SkyStar Whee

SkyStar Wheel In Golden Gate Park Hopes to Stay In San Francisco Until April 2021

San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department is hoping to extend their time in the city park for at least a few more months. This comes as the department presents a summarized public input regarding the lighting and measures implemented in response to a temporary observation wheel. The subject property is a Ferris Wheel; SkyStar Wheel, Landmark No. 249, Music Concourse, Golden Gate Park.

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Richmond Park, San Francisco

Let’sPlaySF Campaign To Renovate Richmond Playground In San Francisco

The Let’sPlaySF Campaign is taking up renovation plans for Richmond Playground in Richmond District, San Francisco. Let’sPlaySF is a campaign created by the Recreation and Park Department and the San Francisco Parks Alliance to raise $13.3 Million in private funding. MIG is the landscape architect managing the landscape designs. The funds will be used to support the renovation project for 13 parks across San Francisco

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Portsmouth Square To Be Renovated In Downtown San Francisco

A presentation to San Francisco’s Civic Design Review Committee has revealed renderings for a revamped Portsmouth Square in Chinatown, San Francisco. Much will be changed, though the most significant additions will be a new building and redesigned playground. The park is central to the district’s community as a gathering point and destination for those visiting. I have fond memories of my first time seeing 838 Grant Avenue’s imposing facade and circular windows, awakening my appreciation for the breadth of urban architecture. Reporting from KQED this May details the project’s years-long saga of incremental progress, concluding that this proposal’s future is uncertain. This new presentation in front of the CDRC represents new fuel for its realization.

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