Infill Housing Approved at 3401 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento

3401 Stockton Boulevard3401 Stockton Boulevard via Google Maps

A new infill housing project has been approved for development at 3401 Stockton Boulevard in Sacramento. The project proposal includes the construction of a three-story mixed-use building offering spaces for residential and retail uses. The project site was formerly occupied by the San Juan Motel.

The project site is now a vacant parcel spanning an area of 0.83 acres. The scope of work includes the development of a three-story mixed-use building offering 65 dwelling units. More information on the designs and project team is yet to be revealed. 55 parking spaces will be provided within the project premises.

A Ministerial Infill Housing application has been submitted. Projects submitted through the ministerial permit process are not required to conduct environmental review and are not subject to a public hearing. Ministerial review is a non-discretionary process. If a project is consistent with adopted policies and standards, it is approved. The estimated construction timeline has not been revealed yet.

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4 Comments on "Infill Housing Approved at 3401 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento"

  1. Hmm I think something is off about this article, this was not the San Juan Hotel site… isn’t this the Gateway project of which we’ve already seen renders for?

  2. This story is inaccurate. That was not the local of San Juan Motel which was at 5700 Stockton Boulevard and planned low income housing project.

  3. We already put out money for a homeless apartment plan. What happened?

  4. This is wrong what happened to the apartments which we already have put in billions past three years on this lot for tiny apartments

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