Equity Community Builders

900 Pennsylvania Avenue expansion facade, rendering by EHDD

Renderings Revealed for San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, Potrero Hill, San Francisco

New permits have been filed to start excavation work to expand the San Francisco Marin Food Bank at 900 Pennsylvania Avenue on Potrero Hill, San Francisco. The new construction will provide a nearly fifty-percent increase to the built area, expanding the ability to serve those in need. The SF Marin Food Bank are the property owners, while Equity Community Builders is the project applicant to manage development.

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3150 California Street

Permits Filed For 3150 California Street in Presidio Heights, San Francisco

Development permits were filed seeking the approval of additional construction at 3150 California Street in Presidio Heights, San Francisco. The project proposal includes constructing a three-story building for academic, athletic, and administration uses. The project will demolish an existing mid-block two-story office building with a retail store and a twenty-two-space surface parking lot.

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1245 McKay Avenue street perspective, design by Ankrom Moisan

Developer Files for Entitlement of Alameda Wellness Center at 1245 McKay Avenue, West Alameda

Equity Community Builders have applied to receive an entitlement for the mixed-use Alameda Wellness Center at 1245 McKay Avenue, West Alameda. The project will provide fifty medical beds and patient care, and residential amenities to connect with an existing senior housing building and is being developed alongside permanent supportive housing, though under separate permits. Alameda Point Collaborative is the property owner.

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