Goldman Architects

930 Grove Street Proposed South Elevation

Preliminary Application Filed for Renovation at 930 Grove Street, San Francisco

A preliminary project application has been submitted seeking the approval of a new renovation project at 930 Grove Street in Alamo Square, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the renovation and remodel of an existing historic three-story plus building. This historic property is known as the Koster Mansion. TP Pham LLC is listed as the property owner. Goldman Architects is responsible for the designs.

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923 Market Street

Permits Filed For 923 Market Street In SoMa, San Francisco

Permits have been filed seeking the approval of facade remodel and construction proposed for the building at 923 Market Street in SoMa, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the addition of a new front facade on the first and second floors along with remodeling of the rear facade on the second floor. The proposed changes will transition the building use from office to residential. Goldman Architects is managing the design concepts and construction.

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El Rey Theater Rendering

Historical Landmark El Rey Theater In Mount Davidson Manor San Francisco To Be Remodeled

A Preliminary Project Assessment application has been submitted seeking the approval of two residential buildings at 1970 Ocean Avenue in Mount Davidson Manor, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the construction of the residential buildings and renovation and restoration of a theater that is landmarked as a historical site. An Art Deco piece, the El Rey Theater was designed in 1931 by JR Miller and Timothy Pflueger. The project has received an HRE report from Page & Turnbull.
Goldman Architects is managing the design concept and construction.

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960, 938, 950 Jamestown Avenue, SF

New Construction on Vacant Lots in Jamestown Avenue, San Francisco

Permits have been filed for new construction on vacant lots in 960, 950, and 938 Jamestown Avenue, Bayview, San Francisco. For 960 Jamestown Avenue, the project includes an approximately 4,215 square feet three-story single-family residence. For 950 and 938 Jamestown Avenue, the proposal is to demolish the existing detached garage and split the lot into two separate lots for new construction of two three-story single-family residences ranging from 4,099 to 4,277 square feet. Goldman Architects manage the project.

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