Walnut Creek

Glen at Heather Farm independent living complex, rendering by KTGY

Building Permits Filed for Senior Living Development in Walnut Creek

New building permits have been submitted seeking the approval of a senior living project proposed at 850 Seven Hills Ranch Road in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County. The project proposal includes the development of a new large-scale residential complex offering housing for seniors. Spieker Senior Development Partners is responsible for the application. KTGY is the project architect. Gates + Associates is responsible for the landscape architecture.

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1948 3rd Avenue

Meeting Today for Residences at 1948 3rd Avenue, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County

A new residential project has been proposed for development at 1948 3rd Avenue in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County. The project proposal includes the development of a residential community offering six single-family homes for sale. Haven Development is listed as the project applicant and owner. Dahlin Group is responsible for the designs. Riply Design Group is responsible for landscaping.

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2800 Mitchell Drive

Senior Housing & Care Facility Proposed at 2800 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek

A new senior housing and care facility project have been proposed for development at 2800 Mitchell Drive in Walnut Creek. The project proposal includes the development of a residential care facility and senior housing on two separate parcels. The site presently consists of five one-story buildings totaling 95,344 square feet of floor area. The Joint Genome Institute, operated by the U.S. Department of Energy, most recently occupied these buildings, but the site has been vacant since late 2019.

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