New Residential Building Planned At 194 Guerrero Street, Mission District, San Francisco

194 Guerrero Street194 Guerrero Street via McElroy Architecture

A new residential project has been proposed for development at 194 Guerrero Street in the Mission District neighborhood in San Francisco. The project proposal includes the construction of a new four-story building with a basement offering spaces for residential uses and onsite parking. The project calls for the demolition of the existing one-story garage with accessory structures in the rear.

GBA Inc. is the project applicant. McElroy Architecture is responsible for the designs.

194 Guerrero Street

194 Guerrero Street via McElroy Architecture

The project proposal entails the splitting of a corner lot into two NC-1 lots for the construction of a new residential building. The project site is a parcel spanning an area of 1,561 square feet. Plans call for the construction of a new residential building rising four stories high. The building will have a basement and two units, along with two off-street parking spaces and a roof deck. The new building will rise to a height of 40 feet and span a total built-up area of 4,187 square feet.

The project will be located on 14th Street. The project requires 125 cubic yards of excavation and would be supported by conventional spread footings. A project application has been submitted, seeking review and approval. A meeting has been scheduled for next week, details of joining can be found here.

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5 Comments on "New Residential Building Planned At 194 Guerrero Street, Mission District, San Francisco"

  1. 14th & Guerrero? Why on earth does this need off-street parking with so much transit nearby?

    (Also should be taller)

    • Because almost everyone has a car.

    • Because that is what the market demands. I ride mass transit every day from the Mission to FiDi, and I can tell you that if driving my own car were an option for me I’d choose to drive. The state of MUNI/BART is terrible. The filth, crime and violence that folks experience on MUNI/BART is enough to make folks either work from home or drive.

      • I ride Muni every day and I’m not sure that the state of transit is as horrible as you say but to be honest, we live in a city in the US and the state of things is just how it’s been for a century, although technically better, and you have a choice to not live in San Francisco, and millions of people choose to every day in the Bay Area. And you have taxpayer-subsidized freeways to take you to and from the suburbs via car if you really want to.

  2. Love it. There’s not enough of these midsized buildings being built.

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