For-Sale Condominiums Getting Ready to Come to 1715 Elm Street, El Cerrito

1715 Elm Street Drawing1715 Elm Street Drawing via LCA Architects Inc

A new residential project has been proposed for development at 1715 Elm Street in El Cerrito. The project proposal includes the construction of a residential community offering 14 for-sale condominiums. The project proposal also includes the restoration and relocation of the existing historic structure on site and converting it to a community serving use.

LCA Architects Inc is responsible for the designs. Camp & Camp Associates is the landscape architect.

1715 Elm Street East Elevation

1715 Elm Street East Elevation via LCA Architects Inc

The project site is a parcel spanning an area of 0.42 acres. The scope of work includes the development of 14 for-sale residences, designed as one-bedroom and two-bedroom dwelling units. The condominiums will range from 869 square feet to 1,064 square feet. Parking for 21 vehicles will be provided on the site.

1715 Elm Street West Elevation

1715 Elm Street West Elevation via LCA Architects Inc

Common open landscaped area spanning 2,892 square feet will be developed on the site. Proposes private open space will span an area of 1,548 square feet. The project proposes to retain the creek in place, thereby protecting the 115 foot long water course, which is a tributary of the Baxter Creek, and utilizing it as an amenity to the overall site.

The project is under review and the estimated construction timeline has not been announced yet.

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2 Comments on "For-Sale Condominiums Getting Ready to Come to 1715 Elm Street, El Cerrito"

  1. The construction of this project is well underway and the exterior at least appears close to completion. Probably a lot to finish inside and no work on surrounding landscaping has started.

  2. “The project is under review and the estimated construction timeline has not been announced yet.”
    Hellloooo? It’s practically finished!

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