Pre-Application for Suburban Expansion at 2215 Tennant Avenue, Morgan Hill

2215-2880 Tennant Avenue site map, illustration by Bassenian Lagoni Architects2215-2880 Tennant Avenue site map, illustration by Bassenian Lagoni Architects

Preliminary permits have been filed for a single-family subdivision at 2215-2880 Tennant Avenue in Morgan Hill, Santa Clara County. The developer uses the Builder’s Remedy provision to sidestep local zoning and build 239 single-family housing units on farmland. Latala Group is the project application.

The project will bring 239 single-family homes to the roughly fifty-acre farmland on the outskirts of the city. The qualify for the Senate Bill 330 and the Builder’s Remedy, 48 will be designated as affordable to low-income households. Parking will be included for 1,400 cars between the private garages and curbside space.

2215-2880 Tennant Avenue Spanish ranch-style house, illustration by Bassenian Lagoni Architects

2215-2880 Tennant Avenue Spanish ranch-style house, illustration by Bassenian Lagoni Architects

Bassenian Lagoni is the project architect. The illustrations show a range of one—and two-story homes designed in a mix of familiar styles, i.e., craftsman, cottage, farmhouse, and Spanish revival. The masterplan will create an inner grid system furnished with six public parks, and a 35-foot setback protecting a segment of Tennant Creek which runs through the property.

The roughly 50-acre site is located along Tenannt Avenue and Hill Road, south of Morgan Hill, in a predominantly agricultural area. For future residents, the Morgan Hill Train Station is just over three miles away or under 20 minutes by bicycle.

2215-2880 Tennant Avenue existing condition, image published by Bassenian Lagoni Architects

2215-2880 Tennant Avenue existing condition, image published by Bassenian Lagoni Architects

2215-2880 Tennant Avenue, image via Google Street View

2215-2880 Tennant Avenue, image via Google Street View

The estimated cost and timeline for construction have yet to be shared.

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16 Comments on "Pre-Application for Suburban Expansion at 2215 Tennant Avenue, Morgan Hill"

  1. Sprawl needs to be banned. It is bad for the environment. Development should focus in urban areas.

  2. It’s been a couple of slow days at SFYimby :(,

    that or the Bay Area really is just a developers nightmare!

  3. Sprawl out in an exurb like Morgan Hill can be built if it comes with the bargain that Palo Alto, Menlo Park, etc. get upzoned to 15 stories.

    Then, the bargain can make sense. Sprawl in the absence of upzoning in low-density but super-expensive central locations is illogical.

    • Yes! Force all those suburbs that keep adding job centers without workforce housing to upzone!

    • Why is this a trade off that needs to be made? Sprawl is sprawl. We should be building in already built up areas period.

      • If NIMBYs did not exist, your idea would work. But they do exist, and are still pretty powerful despite recent pro-supply State-level laws.

  4. I find it interesting tjis can be approved so easily yet trying to get a Catholic high school built even with the dioceses giving the city of morgan hill roughly fifty percent of land the actually bought and owned was shot down.

  5. Concerned resident | July 30, 2024 at 7:48 pm | Reply

    This is ridiculous! There are already plans to put 300+ homes at Hill and Barrett. What is the plan for the roads that surround this area? Roads are in terrible shape, traffic is bad, and no stop signs where there should be. It’ll be gridlock for all these neighborhoods that have been here for 30+ years. Bad idea! Infrastructure first, then plan homes!

  6. This is exactly what your “let the developers do anything they want” policies have unleashed on us all. Thanks YIMBYs for adding a can of rocket fuel to greenfield sprawl development.

  7. If we can’t handle enough power for what is already here, how do they expect the grid to handle all these new homes? Power is out as I type. No reason given. Obviously, the grid can’t handle it already. 🤦‍♀️

  8. How do one qualify?

  9. Yvette Aguaristi | July 31, 2024 at 10:19 pm | Reply

    How do I apply for the low affordable housing. Been a resident all my life . Me & my son can afford a 1 bedroom . Want him to have his own room

  10. Born and raised here and just wish we could keep some of the farmland. I know you can’t make the owners keep it that way but couldn’t we limit some of this sprawl?!

  11. It’s a prayer it’s a hope it’s a necessity to have our farmland. Our ag is being nudged out by people who are counting on you not knowing a tomato actually tastes and smells. MH used to fight for itself. Now common sense is non existant. Home is not home anymore

  12. While I agree that this a change that for us long-time residents that is shocking, this is a project that is given a default green light under current STATE law. Blame Sacramento and not local government. Their hands on tied as far as I know.

  13. Local home owner 45 years | August 1, 2024 at 9:26 am | Reply

    Stop the damn development in our town… The Quality of life in our town is spiraling out of control because of this greedy development

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