Renderings for Ace Hardware Development in Los Gatos

Arya pedestrian view, rendering by Anderson ArchitectsArya pedestrian view, rendering by Anderson Architects

New renderings have been published for the mixed-use redevelopment of an Ace Hardware store in Los Gatos, Santa Clara County. The eight-story proposal, named Arya, will bring 182 apartments with retail to the corner lot at 15300-15330 Los Gatos Boulevard. Arya Properties LLC is the project sponsor.

Plans for Arya started with a pre-application submitted in November of 2023. The pre-application used Senate Bill 330 and invoked the Builder’s Remedy to streamline the approval process and increase residential capacity.

Arya seen from along Carlton Avenue, rendering by Anderson Architects

Arya seen from along Carlton Avenue, rendering by Anderson Architects

Arya podium-top courtyard aerial view, rendering by Anderson Architects

Arya podium-top courtyard aerial view, rendering by Anderson Architects

The 94-foot tall structure will yield around ​​575,900 square feet, including 328,130 square feet for housing, roughly 42,000 square feet for retail, and 186,020 square feet for parking. Unit sizes will vary, with 35 studios, 21 one-bedrooms, 63 two-bedrooms, and 63 three-bedrooms. Of the 182 units, 37 will be designated as affordable to lower-income households. As for retail, the commercial space will be divided between a sizeable ground-floor shop and a 4,300-square-foot rooftop restaurant.

Along with housing, the project will have a three-story basement garage for nearly five hundred cars. Residential parking will be included for 256 bicycles and 318 cars, and customers will get 170 stalls for commercial parking. Residential parking will be accessed from a ramp along Carlton Avenue, with commercial parking accessed along Los Gatos Boulevard.

Arya seen from along Los Gatos Boulevard, rendering by Anderson Architects

Arya seen from along Los Gatos Boulevard, rendering by Anderson Architects

Arya residential balconies, rendering by Anderson Architects

Arya residential balconies, rendering by Anderson Architects

Campbell-based Anderson Architects is responsible for the design. Renderings show a streamlined exterior punctuated by balconies on each floor above the stone-wrapped ground floor. Facade materials include limestone veneer, stucco, timber accents, and glass railing.

Ali Moayed is listed as the property owner. In 2019, the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office charged Moayed and his wife, Dr. Tabrizi, with insurance fraud related to the Los Gatos Urgent Care Clinic. The couple both pleaded not guilty. Moayed was previously sentenced for one count of elder abuse and one count of insurance fraud in 2008.

Arya site map, illustration by Anderson Architects

Arya site map, illustration by Anderson Architects

15300 Los Gatos Boulevard, image via Google Satellite

15300 Los Gatos Boulevard, image via Google Satellite

The proposal for Arya is across from 15349-15367 Los Gatos Boulevard, where City Ventures has submitted plans for a townhome-style development this May to bring 55 apartments to a 1.53-acre property. That site is currently occupied by an automotive repair shop.

As for Arya, the 1.9-acre property is positioned along Los Gatos Boulevard between Gateway Drive and Cam Del Sol. Future residents will be 15 minutes from Downtown Los Gatos and City Hall by bus or bicycle.

The estimated cost and timeline for construction have yet to be shared.

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22 Comments on "Renderings for Ace Hardware Development in Los Gatos"

  1. This needs to be built immediately

  2. Always great to see more housing proposed, however, the design needs to be polished.

  3. That gas station is making the plot irregular shaped, and is preventing the complex from being 40 units larger. Demolish the gas station too, I say.

  4. I lived in a victorian on University Ave. at the ti=me of the earthquake. My house suffered little damage because of a recent remodel. However other houses near by shifter 10 ft. off their foundations. I needed some cleaning agents to clean up the inside mess and went to the downtown Ace Hardware store. Surprisingly, they were open, without electricity and the isles full of fallen product. But I did get what I needed. I will miss this store and its compassionate response to what happened. RIP Los Gatos Hardware.

  5. Why so tall? Greed? This will be another eyesore for single level dwelling residents in the quaint surrounding neighborhood. This is too much for this small plot of land.

  6. Another awful looking housing development with no infrastructure to support the massive amount of people coming into a once quaint neighborhood. Yes, housing is needed but so are schools, public transportation, pedestrian areas, more green space, etc. Where are all the legal minds to take legal action to modify Senate Bill 330 to force developers to ensure they are contributing to public transportation, parks, green space and schools. Our roads cannot handle the amount of people we have today with transportation from this location to Downtown Los Gatos now being up to 25 minutes for a 2 mile drive on weekends. And that is without all the development planned in the next couple of years.

  7. Too high. Keep it to 1-2 stories

  8. JohnMichael O'Connor | August 20, 2024 at 1:38 pm | Reply

    You tell us that the property owners were charged with insurance fraud in 2019 and pled not guilty. So, what happened? Were they convicted, acquitted, or did they plead out? Mr. Moyad was previously convicted. What fraud might they have committed in obtaining permits. Or did they just sell the land. Serial fraudsters tend to keep at it.

  9. This makes me so sad! Much too tall and dense. It makes me feel claustrophobic just looking at the picture.

  10. LG schools are overcrowded. What provisions are being made for additional classroom.

  11. Well that sucks.

  12. About 5-6 years ago I went to LG Urgent Care. When I got the EOB, there were several items that were blatant insurance fraud. I then saw setting the local paper about the felony charges against them. Never heard the outcome

  13. That couple are criminals, how is this town going to let them do this. They will cheat and scam people again.

    Moayed was also ordered to pay $50,000 to the California Medical Board for investigative costs and about $5,000 in restitution to Medi-Cal. Moayed also paid $75,000 to the man who underwent the procedure and $12,500 to the two who didn’t. “He’s never going to practice medicine again.” The town government is so incompetent if this gets approved.

    Embarrassment to the community!

  14. Looking at this, just feels like claustrophobic Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and Milpitas. Los Gatos on its way to lose its charm! Very sad…

  15. Looks like another greed motivated project with little concern for the quality of life for the residents. Losing the Ace Hardware is a huge loss.

  16. It’s truly a shame that Los Gatos Hardware, which has such ties to our community, has to be dismantled. With all the newly opened areas on Los Gatos Blvd it seems a shame that the proposed development could not be placed there. I wonder if our city fathers had this option??

  17. Why should we take away ACE, our local hardware store? This store has been so helpful every time I have a question or need something. What a mistake to replace a local store which is so neighborly for a large ugly condo building that will crowd our schools, streets and freeways.

  18. The structure that they are proposing is truly an eye sore with much too much height to the structure. No amount of green space around the building will help to improve the look of this housing development. I agree we have far too many people already living in Los Gatos especially after the North 40 was built. That corridor with this number of residents will create another traffic nightmare. I do believe this town has as its number one priority as greed. The number of units should be reduced by half. The town should ashamed of itself for taking away the historic and small town feel of Los Gatos.

  19. I have lived in this valley since I was 5 years old. It is such a shame to see what is happening in this valley now. It seems that everyone is after the quick buck. I think that pretty soon we will all be living in high rises and we won’t even know our neighbors. Also, you will have to go down to Oakridge to do any shopping. There were not be any special cute stores to shop at in Los Gatos and if you are looking for something special forget about it. So sad and I have watched it all happen. So sad. My parents have been gone for many years now and would never recognize the place anymore.

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