Search Results for San Francisco

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Permits Filed for 2318 Mission Street, Mission District, San Francisco

Planning permits have been filed for a new seven-story mixed-use building at 2318 Mission Street in San Francisco’s Mission District. The building comes in the heart of the Mission District, nearly equidistant between the 16th Street and 24th Street BART stations. The structure will yield a total 34 units across all floors. A city developer is not listed on public documents.

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555-585 Bryant Street elevation, drawing by Solomon Cordwell Buenz

$200 Million Assessment Permits Filed for 555 Bryant Street, SoMa, San Francisco

Preliminary Project Assessment permits have been filed for a 160-foot mixed-use development between 555-585 Bryant Street in SoMa, San Francisco. Construction is estimated to cost at least $200 million. Plans drafted by Solomon Cordwell Buenz show the an infill with set-backs to afford more direct sunlight to the asphalt. The assessment permit calls for merging seven lots between Bryant and Welsh Street to create a single 33,000 square foot parcel. If approved, the project will bring five hundred new residencies to the city, of which twenty percent will be affordable.

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1728 Larkin Street, design by Dumican Mosey Architects

Permits Filed for 1728 Larkin Street, Nob Hill, San Francisco

New building permits have been filed for a six-story residential building at 1728 Larkin Street in the Nob Hill neighborhood of San Francisco. The construction will take over a narrow 3,500 square foot rectangular lot to construct a 13,322 square foot structure, providing six large units. Brick and Mortar Equity are listed as the property owner, while the construction is to be sponsored by Equity Six LLC.

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2967 23rd Street, design by Winder Gibson Architects

Permits Filed for 2967 23rd Street, Mission District, San Francisco

Permits have been approved to transform a single-family lot to contain four units at 2967 23rd Street in San Francisco’s Mission District. The construction involves adding a vertical addition to an existing single-family residence and building a new four-story two-unit place on a currently vacant portion of the lot. The new housing will do a small part to help capture demand for one of the city’s most distinctive neighborhoods. Kieran Woods Construction is the owner and contractor for the project.

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