SB 330 Filed For Single-Family Homes At 19960 Almaden Road, San Jose

19960 Almaden Road19960 Almaden Road via Google Maps

New project application has been submitted seeking the approval of a residential project at 19960 Almaden Road in San Jose. The project proposal includes the subdivision of the property lot to construct 7 single-family residences, including affordable housing and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).

Emami Robert et al is listed as property owner.

The project site spans an area of 16.75 acres. The scope of work includes the lot subdivision of the project site to make space for constructing 7 single-family homes and two affordable, detached ADUs.

An SB 330 application has been submitted, pending review and approval. The estimated construction timeline has not been revealed yet.

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2 Comments on "SB 330 Filed For Single-Family Homes At 19960 Almaden Road, San Jose"

  1. Wow, looking at the map, does city going to let them just build McMansions there? 16 acre for only 7 homes is wasted land utitlity. I know the land is on the outskirts but they could’ve went with townhomes and/or condos and still sell them.

    • I believe the use of SB 330 is meant to prevent the city from preventing them building it. It is in the urban growth boundary, I don’t think the city can block it, hopefully the fees are high given the obviously high VMT, and maybe that would dissuade them building that, but who knows.

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