Preliminary Permits For 8930 Watsonville Road, Gilroy

8930 Watsonville Road outlined approximately by YIMBY based on the county accessor map, image via Google Satellite8930 Watsonville Road outlined approximately by YIMBY based on the county accessor map, image via Google Satellite

Preliminary permits have been filed for a large suburban subdivision at 8930 Watsonville Road in Gilroy, Santa Clara County. The project will replace a large plot of agricultural land with nearly three hundred single-family homes around an artificial lake. Swenson Builders is responsible for the application.

The initial application provides a brief summary of the project plans. Swenson has proposed to development the property with 293 single-family homes alongside an artificial lake and open park. New vehicular access to internal roads will be built across the site.

Swenson Builders is responsible for the application via Green Valley Corporation. Swenson Builders is a San Jose-based contractor and builder with projects across the Bay Area and Santa Cruz. In the last few months, YIMBY has covered two other suburban applications filed by the builder around Gilroy.

The property is within a rural agricultural area west of the suburban city. The estimated cost and timeline for construction have yet to be shared.

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22 Comments on "Preliminary Permits For 8930 Watsonville Road, Gilroy"

  1. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    build more densely on land inside Gilmore, and, in SF

  2. PLEASE Don’t. Build out our unfinished cities and make them better while using less energy. It’s so obvious.

  3. Frisky McWhiskers | February 9, 2025 at 9:38 am | Reply

    Disgusting suburban sprawl in a beautiful rural area like this should not be tolerated. Seems like every week there’s another proposal to destroy another farm or ranch in Gilroy or Morgan Hill. San José should become a denser city instead of allowing the surrounding countryside to be wrecked.

  4. Where’s all the water going to come from?

    • Inner Dimensions | February 9, 2025 at 11:12 pm | Reply

      So sick of these developments. I dont think it will ever change. The mentality of yiunger people coming into office and making up the general population now i think have less appreciation for rhe environment and dont care if the beautiful rural areas are overtaken and ruined by houses…and lets not reptens these houses are going to help people who need housing, lol. These will be multi million dollar houses only a couple each working and making a minimum of $300,000 each a year will be able to but. And of course, they will be people who dont already live in south county so will add to the already bad traffic and other infrastructure issues we have.

  5. Don’t seem like a good idea to take farmland out of predoction for housing!

  6. JohnMichael O'Connor | February 9, 2025 at 1:27 pm | Reply

    Swenson has had a reputation for decades in the South Bay as a mediocre quality builder; many have claimed their construction is shoddy. So, we’re losin more ag land to ticky tacky homes. Little boxes on the ag land little boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same… They have also been found to deficient in keeping rental residences in good working order despite charging g high rents.

  7. IF one is going to build over farmland, at least build highrise residential in order to build a whole community of several thousand people that rapidly drains home equity out of ultra-NIMBY Palo Alto and Menlo Park in a telework/Zoom age.

    Sprawl is the lowest on the preference list.

  8. Resident off Watsonville road. | February 9, 2025 at 8:55 pm | Reply

    Aren’t there regulations on parcel lot sizes in the county? How does Gilroy keep getting past these regulations. Again more cars on Watsonville road will impact current residence. Already with so many people jumping off the freeway because traffic has increased to take hecker pass makes it difficult for us to get out of our road. Where will the water come from for a lake let alone all the homes planned? What about infrastructure? Are they considering better public transportation? How about schools and fire stations. There is land in south Gilroy that would be a better solution and would affect less residences. Please don’t build here.

  9. LAFCO….build in city limits…. Our metrics for services don’t support this. And that’s along Uvas Creek. This is flood plain land. I’ve watched it flood horribly several times since moving to this area 20 years ago. Uvas is already prone to flooding. What is the extra runoff from paving going to do?

  10. These developers should be forced to contribute to the development of our freeway infrastructure (without Tollroads like EZ Pass). Currently it doesn’t appear that new or existing employers are interested in expanding our local market. The irresponsible addition of “affordable” housing without addressing local employment only adds to our existing problems.

  11. Did the People of Gilroy ask for more congestion as well as traffic let alone ruining the rural integrity of this Beautiful City.
    I don’t think so.
    More urban sprawl by greedy developers who could care less about precious Farmland.
    Hopefully the City of Gilroy politicians won’t be swayed by this .let Gilroy be Gilroy and not another Cracker Box housing mess.
    I personally don’t need or want the congestion..

  12. Diamond Discover | February 10, 2025 at 1:38 pm | Reply

    This is by far the worst idea they can come up with. They already closed down the livestock feed store where they had chick’s for sale on Monterey road and the Pumpkin patch here in Morgan Hill and now they are doing this- why? They put a large apartment complex in San Martin near my farm also I don’t know what’s going on. We the people need to fight back or country side southbay is going to be an over populated poor city by greed stricken people who want this place to be a future hub for crime instead of a natural resource for food and livestock. Its so sad but im not going to just sit and let it happen without a fight!

  13. This is a rebranding of a Swenson proposal from back in 2008 that was abandoned due to public outrage.
    time to start firing up another grassroots fight.

  14. Stop destroying the countryside.
    101 traffic is already a joke.
    More summer power outages and more subpar construction?
    This is a joke, right?
    Please STOP!

  15. The traffic on Watsonville Road has quadrupled in the last 10 years. That would put about 600 more cars up and down Watsonville Road! Already there are people speeding 20 miles over the limit and passing over the double yellow. The street is not patrolled at all. The infrastructure can not support this development. BTW How are they getting past the agriculture zoning? Please let me know how we can STOP this.

  16. The environmental habitats of South County will be destroyed along with the agriculture industry in Gilroy. There have been 3 fatalities on Watsonville Road in the last 10 years and numerous car accidents, fences and telephone poles taken out. We DEFINITELY don’t need more traffic on Watsonville Road. In the event of an emergency (fire situation) the roads could not handle the traffic. This would put all the residents in the area at risk. Very unsafe.

  17. These are all wise, important, truthful comments!! Thank you, contributors. Now hopefully county planners will do the right thing for many.

  18. Insane. Haven’t local decision makers been watching the news? Pictures of fire dept bulldozers having to plow cars off the road and people running down the street to safety? Arguably these homes in Los Angeles and Santa Rosa (Tubbs fire) were built before the danger of urban/rural wildfires was understood, but there is no excuse with respect to approving homebuilding plans like this now. NIMBY/YIMBY is beside the point. Just plain dangerous. All the ingredients for a catastrophic event on Watsonville Rd.

  19. Please everyone write to LAFCO! We don’t have the infrastructure for this! This is a terrible flood plain and you will not be able to get home owners insurance! This is a rural area of vineyards, small farms and ranches. If you could figure out the very best drainage maybe a dozen houses could be put here- but nearly 300!? No way is this environmentally appropriate or any kind of asset to our county or our town! We still have in-filling we can do in Gilroy to accommodate housing needs. I’m typically a YIMBY, but this is a very BAD IDEA and will not help the typical middle class or low income people of Gilroy. The only one who wants this are the greedy developers!

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