Funding Secured for Kinect @ Southport Apartments in West Sacramento

Kinect @ Southport pool, rendering courtesy ACGKinect @ Southport pool, rendering courtesy ACG

Construction is expected to start immediately for Kinect @ Southport Apartments, a residential complex in 2425 Jefferson Boulevard in West Sacramento in Yolo County. The project will create 322 new homes across six buildings over 11.4 acres. American Capital Group is the project developer.

Each building will rise four floors. Residents will be treated to a variety of amenities, including a recreation center and various outdoor activity sports facilities. This will include a volleyball court, a basketball court, a pickleball court, a gym, and a playground.

Kinect @ Southport aerial overview, rendering courtesy ACG

Kinect @ Southport aerial overview, rendering courtesy ACG

Kinect @ Southport clubhouse and pool area, rendering courtesy ACG

Kinect @ Southport clubhouse and pool area, rendering courtesy ACG

Kinect @ Southport, rendering courtesy ACG

Kinect @ Southport, rendering courtesy ACG

Kinect @ Southport site map, illustration courtesy ACG

Kinect @ Southport site map, illustration courtesy ACG

Parking for 504 cars will be provided, far exceeding the minimum required parking for 408 cars. Additional parking will be provided for 20 bicycles.

Facade materials will include painted stucco and wood panels. The podium-style building will feature an articulated exterior with setbacks and balconies. MVE Inc is consulting on engineering. The project architect is not listed. The complex looks similar to larger apartment complexes familiar in larger cities. If not cut at the stump, the 11-acre site could have seen towers rise another forty to sixty floors in a complex with housing for several thousand, not hundreds.

2301-2425 Jefferson Boulevard outlined, image via Google Satellite

2301-2425 Jefferson Boulevard outlined, image via Google Satellite

The property is located along Jefferson Boulevard, south of Gateway Drive, and north of Lake Washington Boulevard within the Southport plan. The site is along the Clarksburg Branch Line Trail. With construction starting, the building is likely to finish within two and a half to four years.

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28 Comments on "Funding Secured for Kinect @ Southport Apartments in West Sacramento"

  1. Meh. We can do better.

  2. West Sac leadership must be getting fat envelopes for letting thr nightmare traffic on Jefferson become unthinkable. Get ready for store robberies and wrecks. So happy that I got my place in ’89. I am sure that there is profit to be made. Belize here I come.

  3. Muhrad Khawar | June 9, 2023 at 9:26 pm | Reply

    Will there elevators and what is the pricing starting at?

  4. Traffic is already horrendous on both bridges to get in and out of West Sacramento. What contribution is the builder making to ease this? This development is going to have a huge impact on quality of living for existing residents. Do we have a voice?

  5. Is there going to be a new school in West Sacramento for the kids?

  6. Martha Hawkins-Neal | August 10, 2023 at 9:50 am | Reply

    How can one apply for the new homes and where to apply? What is the income consideration? Will stae worker be eligible too apply?

  7. Adrienna Schabert | August 15, 2023 at 4:45 pm | Reply

    How much for a one bedroom apartment and up

  8. Absolutely horrible. The traffic will be even more of a nightmare now. Schools will be overrun with far too many kids. I’m sure the companies involved didn’t make any efforts to help the city with how many people this is going to add.

  9. Yeay garbage!!

  10. Senior housing? Could be with shopping and hopefully a new Dining experience. Lived here a lifetime would love something easy for active Seniors.

  11. Valerie Chiappone | August 23, 2023 at 8:52 pm | Reply

    Why is the main entrance/exit on Jefferson, which will be a traffic nightmare, instead of on Gateway where the increase could have been controlled/helped by the traffic light? I’m all for housing but the design seems more for show than practicality. We need a bridge to Broadway and the pocket. West Sac does not have enough options to commute and God forbid we ever have to evacuate in an emergency.

  12. Valerie Chiappone | August 23, 2023 at 9:16 pm | Reply

    I love that people actually believe these units will be affordable. They’ll be brand new and there’s going to be pickleball courts. For goodness sake, people – these units will be just as affordable as all the new housing near The Barn. Just more options for people who already have plenty of options.

  13. While we know these apartment homes will be expensive, I agree with the comments about traffic. It’s already bad enough and once built, commuters will simply cut through our neighborhoods. Please don’t turn our West Sac into Sacramento! There’s a reason we live here and not there!

  14. I too would like to know the pricing as well as the different options for size!

    We have so many expensive apartments that seniors and disabled people are having a really hard time just keeping from bring homeless!! I also agree that Jefferson traffic is already horrible, this will add another layrr of congestion.

    I was raised here!

  15. Born and raised in West Sacramento, so many housing units being built. No one ever thinks about building a bridge to Sacramento to make travel easier . We have more people crime is going to go up ,kids are going to have more problems in the schools . We are turning into Sacramento.

  16. All of the comments from west sac residents about traffic, schools, crime, etc.. and not once did any of us have a voice in this and no replies from anyone from this company. We do not have the roads or schools or retail for all the people this is going to add.

  17. How can I receive more information?

  18. Christina ramirez | April 18, 2024 at 7:41 pm | Reply

    Hiw do we get pricing and more information. I see people asking the same questions but no answers are posted.

  19. I’m interested purchasing or renting can someone please email me or call me 916-670-0748 thank you

  20. I am interested your apartments.

  21. To address some complaints: all new developments go through city council approval and public hearings. This, like every other development in the city, was properly scoped, zoned, permitted etc. It’s all on the City website if you care to look it up. If you want to have a ‘say’ you need to keep up with and attend city council meetings, not vent on a message board.

    The concerns regarding entry/exit on Jefferson vs Gateway are in the documents on the City website, again if you care to look it up. There will be exits on both Jefferson and Gateway.

    The concerns regarding traffic/bridges. Jefferson used to be a big bottleneck getting out of Southport. The city added a parallel route (Village Pkwy – River Rd) and there’s constant construction along that stretch, so you can’t say that the city is doing nothing. There have been long standing plans to build additional bridges across to Sacramento, but bridges take an eternity to build especially when there you are going across cities/counties. The bridge to Broadway is already approved but won’t be completed until 2030 at the soonest. The bridge to Land Park is a pipe dream because residents there have not, and will never approve it.

    The concern about school crowding is just silly. Ask any school principal here they want MORE attendance, not less. More students is how you get more funding for more additional teachers, classrooms, etc.

    I don’t work for the city nor this development – just a regular West Sac resident. So I am also concerned about the additional traffic, but at the same time I want more restaurants and amenities here in West Sac. That seems a more common complaint than the traffic. But those amenities won’t get built unless we have the population to support it. I too cringe at this monstrosity of a complex, but hope that more business comes to our area because of it. With more local amenities, that might reduce the need for traffic to Sac for food/shopping.

  22. I’ve been noticing that the building is really becoming an eyesore. Its appearance is dull and uninviting, almost reminiscent of a communist-era structure. It’s disappointing to see such a lack of aesthetic consideration in our community. I hope the owners or the city will consider some improvements with the exterior color to make it more visually appealing and fitting with the character of our neighborhood.

  23. This Communist-era residential apartment building is an eyesore also sticks out into the road! Please demolish ASAP.

  24. River Road seemed great at first but now it’s just as crowded as Jefferson, since we’ve already grown so much. The last construction project I saw was when they spent all that time and money to build a not even block long stretch of bike lane on River Road before the freeway entrance. I thought for sure that they were putting a light at the left turn onto the freeway but no, a mini bike lane that I’m sure cost a few mill. I’m all for affordable housing in West Sac but not where one of the driveways dumps onto Jefferson. When I inquired a 1BR was going to be priced at $2K. How many seniors will that house? And a public message board is the perfect spot for people to express concerns and…messages.

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