Mountain View

Berkeley Space Center trellis aerial view of the central courtyard, rendering by Field Operations and HOK

Environmental Review Process Starts for UC Berkeley Space Center Campus, Mountain View

UC Berkeley has published the notice of preparation for the Berkeley Space Center in the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Santa Clara County. The university is working with NASA to create a $2 billion 36-acre research campus of academic and research facilities in the heart of the historic Moffett Field. UC and San Francisco-based SKS Partners have entered a joint venture, Moffett Partners LLC, to pursue development.

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Berkeley Space Center trellis aerial view of the central courtyard, rendering by Field Operations and HOK

UC Berkeley Announces $2 Billion Space Center At NASA Ames Research Center

New plans have been revealed for a $2 billion research center run by UC Berkeley at the NASA Ames Center in Mountain View, Santa Clara County. The Berkeley Space Center, as it will be called, will reshape 36 acres on the sprawling Ames Research Center, providing a hub for future companies to collaborate with the school and NASA scientists & engineers to improve technology for aviation, space exploration, and how people live and work in space.

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