Mollie Stone’s Market

156 California Avenue tower view, rendering by Studio Current

Draft EIR For 156 California Avenue, Palo Alto

The City of Palo Alto has announced that they will start preparing the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the builder’s remedy-assisted proposal at 156 California Avenue across from the Caltrain Station. The project is expecting to add nearly four hundred homes between two towers, the tallest rising 17 floors, across from the regional transit hub. REDCO Development is the development sponsor for the plans on behalf of the property owners, Mollie Stone’s Market.

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156 California Avenue tower view, rendering by Studio Current

Alternative Permits Filed for 156 California Avenue, Palo Alto

Mollie Stone’s Market has filed an alternative SB330 pre-application for the Builder’s Remedy-assisted proposal at 156 California Avenue in Palo Alto, Santa Clara County. The application gives minor updates to the design and parcel separation, though the applicant has specified that the prior application is not being withdrawn. Both plans, sponsored by REDCO Development, would create Palo Alto’s tallest residential building.

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156 California Avenue tower view, rendering by Studio Current

REDCO Proposed Palo Alto’s Tallest Residential Tower

Preliminary plans have been filed for a mixed-use project with two new structures at 156 California Avenue in Palo Alto, Santa Clara County. The buildings will rise over a Caltrain Station, the tallest of which will be 17 floors. REDCO Development, the developer, aims to use Senate Bill 330 and the Builder’s Remedy for a streamlined approval process to create 382 apartments and a replacement for a Mollie Stone’s Market close to transit.

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