Inner Richmond

4200 Geary Boulevard, rendering courtesy TNDC

New Renderings Revealed for 4200 Geary Boulevard, Richmond District, San Francisco

New renderings have been revealed with a sales update for 4200 Geary Boulevard, an affordable senior housing development in the Richmond District, San Francisco. The Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation is responsible for the development, with funding from the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development. The project received approval to expedite development using Senate Bill 35.

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399 Arguello Proposed Elevation

Alteration Permits Filed For 399 Arguello Boulevard, Inner Richmond, San Francisco

Multiple development permits have been filed for construction alterations at 399 Arguello Boulevard in Inner Richmond, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the expansion of residential space and the existing 4,650 square foot retail market at the corner of 2 Clement, or 387 Arguello. The project also includes merging the retail store with the adjacent commercial space upon vacancy. TP LAM AIA Architects is managing the project.

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