Permits Filed For 1125 Fitzgerald Avenue, San Martin

1125 Fitzgerald Avenue, image via Google Street View1125 Fitzgerald Avenue, image via Google Street View

Builder’s Remedy permits have been filed for a large suburban development at 1125 Fitzgerald Avenue in San Martin, Santa Clara County. The application aims to create over six hundred homes on farmland on the outskirts of Gilroy. Lucky Day Ranch is listed as the current property owner.

The developer has filed to produce 638 single-family homes across three separate applications. Prices will range from 554 units of market-rate homes to 84 units of deed-restricted lower-income homes.

Lucky Day Ranch is listed as the property owner, and it is represented by the Santa Clara-based Gillmor & Associates. The sprawling property is spread across several parcels extending around Fitzgerald Street, Turlock Avenue, and Santa Teresa Boulevard.

Future residents will be around half an hour away from the Gilroy and San Martin Caltrain Station by bus. San Martin is just 15 minutes away for future residents by bicycle. The estimated cost and timeline for construction have yet to be shared.

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18 Comments on "Permits Filed For 1125 Fitzgerald Avenue, San Martin"

  1. Gross! Another blatant misuse, if not illegal use of builder’s remedy.

  2. Frisky McWhiskers | February 1, 2025 at 11:18 am | Reply

    Greenfield sprawl like this suck. More traffic, more pollution, and more open space/farmland wiped out. Is this really what YIMBYs want?

    • I definitely don’t think most YIMBYs want this–it’s antithetical to the YIMBY goal of higher density development within cities in lieu of car-dependent suburban sprawl. The YIMBY site appears to post all residential projects it hears about, whether a given project is one of urban infill (yay) or, like this one, suburban sprawl (boo).

      • Frisky McWhiskers | February 4, 2025 at 9:41 am | Reply

        Sadly Scott Wiener’s antics, whether by design or not, have emboldened bottom-feeder sprawl merchants like this. The Builder’s Remedy abuses must be curbed before the entire Coyote Valley is overrun.

        • Inner Dimensions | March 1, 2025 at 9:19 pm | Reply

          Hello, any ideas that citizens can actually do to have an effect on stopping this stuff? I asked cuz I’m greatly disturbed by numerous developments that are proposed to go in. It’s just crazy with her trying to do down here in your in San martin! I was on the next door app and a council member responded back to me that what was going on in Gilroy was happening because they’re getting pressure from the state so basically saying my problem isn’t with gilroy, it’s with Sacramento and I know I’m not going to have any pool in Sacramento because what am I going to say? I’m offer affordable housing too but I’m not for affordable housing that ruins the environment, sucks up the natural spaces and agricultural areas and infills it with very dense housing. This particular development at 11:25 Fitzgerald is way out of place for this area! Nothing like that exists in San Martin or in South Morgan Hill or North gilroy. It is so out of place it’s unbelievable. And I don’t know where they expect to get their septic taken care of as we are all on septic systems out here. The city sewer from either Morgan Hill or Gilroy don’t service out here.

  3. Extremely unfortunate that we can not focus our development in current city limits as infill to make our cities more vibrant. Keep our beautiful rural areas from being destroyed by suburban sprawl which simply magnifies all our problems – lack of public transportation, increased energy use, ultimately climate change which can not be reversed.

    • 100% agree with your comment.

      • Inner Dimensions | March 1, 2025 at 9:22 pm | Reply

        I agree too! The amount of people I saw backed up at the light at mastin and Fitzgerald last night was at least a quarter mile long and it’s only going to get worse with an additional 1200 plus people if this development goes through at 1125 Fitzgerald. It wasn’t even rush hour when this occurred either.

    • I echo Bill’s sentiment.

  4. This SUCKS!

  5. JohnMichael O'Connor | February 1, 2025 at 1:28 pm | Reply

    It’s cheaper in the short run to build horizontally over farmland than to build infill vertically. I get it. But it’s a bad solution to the home shortage in the long run.

  6. 600+ homes stuffed into an area with roughly 30 single family homes nearby. No existing infrastructure. Everything will require a car trip. Absolutely abuse of this builders remedy to make money.

    • Inner Dimensions | March 1, 2025 at 9:24 pm | Reply

      Exactly and all these 30 single family homes are on the Gilroy side of Fitzgerald on a minimum of two and a half acres. On the San Martin side, they are much larger parcels, I think maybe 5 acres a piece? I’m not sure but I know the giant piece of land at 11:25 Fitzgerald was owned at one house for 20 acres until they took advantage of this builders remedy thing which she only reason why this happened is because Santa Clara County dropped the ball I didn’t turn in their development plans in time which in turn triggered builders remedy to kick in and these vultures were basically waiting for that so they could snap at the chance to develop out here. It almost feels like the county delayed on purpose but I don’t want to get all conspiracy theory or anything, LOL

  7. This project seems to underscore the failure of local municipalities in permitting enough housing. If there is demand for this number of houses in a rural area, there must be a chronic lack of supply.

    • Frisky McWhiskers | February 4, 2025 at 11:32 am | Reply

      These houses are not being built for local residents – rather for commuters to Silicon Valley.

      • Inner Dimensions | March 1, 2025 at 9:27 pm | Reply

        You’re exactly right. These houses are meant to attract people from silicon valley, people that are going to be commuting from San Jose and further north. They’re not going to be people from Gilroy buying. The other thing that gets on my nerves about this development is there slipping in the 20% low income aspect of it to make sure that it gets approved. That just bothers me because it feels like a snake-ish thing to do. They’re not really doing it to help lower income people. In fact lower income people would be more well-suited to in town where buses are easier to access as well as everything else that can be accessed without needing a car like stores and whatnot. But out here in the middle of nowhere, it’s going to require cars to get everywhere and do anything that a person needs to do. This is certainly not for locals in this area.

  8. My family and I moved to San Martin six years ago to escape the city from all the noise, the limited parking, and the limited space overall in San Jose, and to find out there will be more than six hundred homes built in our area now just kills our peace and vision of this beautiful place. We, who live in the San Martin area, are already struggling with massive traffic, and it’s awful. I’m distraught by this proposal.

    • Inner Dimensions | March 1, 2025 at 9:32 pm | Reply

      Hi jennifer! I feel the same way as you! I actually live over on Fitzgerald directly across the field from where this monstrosity is due to be put in. I encourage you if at all possible to get involved with the San Martin neighborhood group and to get on to the next door app and to try to stay in the loop with people in this area. Also to contact the planning commission and state your opposition to this development. There was supposed to be a meeting this last Wednesday in San Martine at 80 highland but the county canceled it. Go figure the county canceled it. They’re the ones that are responsible for dropping the ball and causing this builders remedy to kick in in the first place! Yeah I can’t imagine the additional $638 homes which is basically the equivalent of 1200 + more people and cars in this area.. it’s such a catastrophe. People spend their life savings working so hard to buy a home out here for reasons that you stated only to have them want to put San Jose in our backyards! There’s got to be something that can be done about this. This seems like such an unsustainable project they want to put in. Completely out of place for our area as well as how do they expect to handle the sewer? We are all on septics out here! ugh I hope the people can stop this. I hope there’s enough people upset about this that are willing to take the time to write letters and or to attend these meetings. I feel for you and all of us out here in this predicament. None of us want this. Oh the last thing I want to mention is, Lisa Gilmore who is a shareholder in lucky day Ranch which is who these properties at they want to develop on Turlock and Fitzgerald belong to, she doesn’t even live in this area. She is on the Santa Clara City council and is just a property owner out here that wants to sell and make money. She is not a resident or someone living out here. I thought this property belonged to some old farmer who owned these cows and maybe his children inherited and decided to sell, but it’s not that wholesome of the situation. She’s actually just a real estate agent who wants to sell and make money which to each their own, however it upsets me when someone who doesn’t even live in the country sells property out here and wrecks the why quality of people who live here.. I’m just so disgusted. I don’t even know if you’ll get a notification that I have responded to you. I hope you do though. We’re all in this together!

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