Vrilakas Groen Architects

200, 211, and 215 North 16th Street with the Sacramento skyline in the background, image via Google Satellite

Large Apartment Proposal for 200-215 North 16th Street, Sacramento

Planning applications have been filed for a new three-block mixed-use development at 200, 211, and 215 North 16th Street, located on the outskirts of Downtown Sacramento within the River District Special Planning District. If built, the project would expand the urban core with 540 new dwelling units and roughly 70,000 square feet of commercial use. Bauen Capital is responsible for the development.

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1619 R Street

Approval Recommended For 1619 R Street In Downtown, Sacramento

The Planning Department has voted to recommend that the City Council approve the six-story development at 1619 R Street in Downtown, Sacramento. The project requires approval of entitlements including Site Plan and Design Review to construct a six-story mixed-use building with deviations to building height.
Sacramento-Based architecture firm, Vrilakas Groen Architects is managing the design concept and construction.

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