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2901 Broadway corner view, design by BDE Architecture

Multi-Family Housing Eligible for CEQA Streamlining at 2929 Broadway, Oakland

The City of Oakland has published the environmental analysis for 2929 Broadway, a seven-story mixed-use project located on Pill Hill, Oakland. The study concludes that the project is eligible for streamlining through the California Environmental Quality Act process, hastening the path toward approval and construction of 220 apartments. The Martin Group is responsible for the project as the applicant and property owner.

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Monarch Bay Hotel aerial view, rendering by BDE Architecture

Renderings for the Monarch Bay Shoreline Project in San Leandro

Updated renderings have been revealed with detailed plans for the Monarch Bay Shoreline Development project, poised to reshape 75 acres of the San Leandro waterfront. The plans would reshape a swath of surface parking and a portion of an existing golf course into 491 residential units, a 210-room hotel, and shops between Marina Park and the Oakland International Airport in Alameda County. The project is a public-private partnership with the City of San Leandro and Cal Coast Companies.

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333 12th Street exterior view during the day, image courtesy Panoramic

City Considered Buying 333 12th Street For Family Housing in SoMa, San Francisco

The City of San Francisco is considering purchasing 333 12th Street, an eight-story residential development recently built in SoMa, San Francisco. The move is symbolically significant, as 333 12th Street was the first proposal in the city to use the State Density Bonus Program, increasing its residential capacity by 35%, with 200 multi-family units. Now, the building may become part of the city’s mission to end family homelessness. The City and County of San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing would become the property owners.

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