Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation

730 Stanyan Street northeast corner, rendering by OMA

Groundbreaking for OMA-Designed Affordable Housing in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco

Construction has started ahead of schedule for the eight-story affordable housing building in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood. The new project is designed by the internationally renowned Office for Metropolitan Architecture, known as OMA, with 160 permanently affordable apartments, retail, neighborhood-serving community space, and a childcare facility at 730 Stanyan Street.

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4200 Geary Boulevard, rendering courtesy TNDC

Construction Soon for 4200 Geary Boulevard in Richmond District, San Francisco

Construction is expected to start this April for the seven-story affordable senior housing proposal at 4200 Geary Boulevard in the Richmond District of San Francisco. The update has been announced by the project developer, the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation. Once complete, the project will offer 98 new homes for residents earning between 15-50% of the Area Median Income.

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730 Stanyan Street northeast corner, rendering by OMA

New Building Permits Approved, Updated Design for 730 Stanyan Street in San Francisco

New building permits have been approved by the Planning Department for the construction of an eight-story affordable infill at 730 Stanyan Street in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco. The project is expected to cost just over a million dollars per unit, costing nearly $166 million. Along with the approval, the Board of Supervisors has passed a resolution supporting potential state funding for the project, and new design plans have been revealed from OMA.

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