Mission District

2619 Mission Street, via 2619mission Apartments Website

Permits Filed for 2619 Mission Street, Mission District, San Francisco

Permits have been filed for a residential expansion at the distinctive apartment building at 2619 Mission Street in the Mission District, San Francisco. The permits would expand the unit offering on-site from 32 to 41, over thirty percent increase along the commercial thoroughfare. The property is run by GreenTree Property Management, within the umbrella of Veritas Investments Inc.

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344 14th Street, rendering via SF Planning

344 14th Street, 60-Unit Development, Files Permits, Mission District, San Francisco

New building permits are filed for the mid-density residential project at 344 14th Street, on the north edge of the Mission District, San Francisco. The seven-story apartment block will add sixty new homes to the neighborhood, along with ground-floor retail. California-based Manouch Moshayedi of MX3 Ventures is responsible for the development after purchasing the parcel in 2015 for nearly $5 million.

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