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875 Sansome Street low-rise version, rendering by BDE Architecture

Developer Considering 8-Story or 14-Story Apartments for 875 Sansome Street, San Francisco

Two new proposals have been submitted for housing at 875 Sansome Street in San Francisco. The different applications provide a case study of how state law has changed the development landscape in the city over the last four years since increasing the state density bonus and introducing Assembly Bill 1287. N17 Development filed both projects on behalf of the property owner, Allrise Capital.

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650 Harrison Street establishing view, rendering by BDE Architecture

34-Story Tower Proposed For 650 Harrison Street in SoMa, San Francisco

New plans have been filed for a 34-story residential tower at 650 Harrison Street in SoMa, San Francisco. The project applicant, N17, is the same developer from the Builder’s Remedy-assisted proposal to potentially create over a thousand homes at 80 Willow Road in Menlo Park. The developer has also filed similar plans for a 31-story tower at 598 Bryant Street. Allrise Capital is the property owner.

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598 Bryant Street with 555 Bryant Street visible in the left corner, rendering by BDE Architecture

Renderings Revealed for 31-Story Residential Tower at 598 Bryant Street, SoMa, San Francisco

New renderings have been published alongside permit filings for a 31-story residential tower at 598 Bryant Street in SoMa, San Francisco. The development could see a freeway-adjacent gas station and two small commercial buildings replaced with nearly four hundred homes. N17, the same firm responsible for the builder’s remedy-assisted Menlo Park tower proposal, is responsible for the application.

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1900 Broadway seen from near 17th Street, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

SFYIMBY Year In Review: March 2023

For the last twelve days of the year, SF YIMBY will look back on each month and share the biggest stories we covered. March was the month of construction updates across the East Bay, San Francisco, and San Mateo County. Crews started on the new CCA campus in San Francisco, a new Life Sciences complex started to rise across from the Millbrae Station, and several urban infills were spotted rising in Berkeley. In Downtown Oakland, YIMBY visited the peak of Behring Co’s 39-story apartment tower.

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