SummerHill Homes

Seely Avenue apartment building, rendering by KTGY Architecture + Planning

Developers Purchase Land for Seely Avenue Masterplan, San Jose

Developers are moving forward with property sales for the Seely Avenue master plan in North San Jose, Santa Clara County. Hanover Company has reportedly purchased 22.2 acres around 2620 Seely Avenue, with plans to follow through with the recently approved proposal for over a thousand apartments alongside open space and retail. Hanover sold an additional seven acres to SummerHill Homes for the townhome component.

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4335-4345 El Camino Real Elevation 2

Architectural Review For 4335-4345 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

A new residential project has been proposed for development at 4335-4345 El Camino Real in Palo Alto. The project proposal includes the construction of a new residential community offering townhomes within 29 new three-story buildings. The project will replace existing buildings offering commercial and motel uses. Summer Hill Homes LLC is the project developer. SDG Architects Inc is responsible for the designs. R3 Studios is responsible for the landscape architecture.

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