San Ramon

Iron Horse Village at 3401 Crow Canyon Road site-map, rendering by WHA

Proposed Housing for Iron Horse Village along Crow Canyon Road in San Ramon

Conceptual plans have been published for the 117-unit residential project at 3401 Crow Canyon Road in San Ramon, Contra Costa County. The proposal, dubbed the Iron Horse Village, would replace commercial buildings with low-density detached and attached housing. Nearon Enterprises, an investment company, based in Walnut Creek, is listed as the property owner. Lennar is the project developer.

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Hampton Inn at 2231 Omega Road, rendering courtesy Fortune Architects

New Plans Reduce Parking for 2231 Omega Road Hotel in San Ramon, Contra Costa County

The City of San Ramon’s planning commission has been presented amended plans for the Hampton Inn and Suite hotel for 2231 Omega Road, in one of the larger cities of Contra Costa County. The altered proposal has switched the parking from an above-ground garage to subterranean levels and reduced the overall parking. Gerald Goldbach of Fortune Architects is responsible for the design.

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