Search Results for San Francisco

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The Asher Nears Completion at 1031 Walnut Avenue, Fremont

Recent permits have been filed for phase six and seven of The Asher, a sizeable multifamily development nearing completion at 1031 Walnut Avenue in Fremont, Alameda County. The Asher, located at 1031 Walnut Avenue, will span across two four-story buildings, providing 670 residential units. It will also have two parking towers between five and six floors located in the center. They will hold over 1,150 spots, roughly 1.75 spaces per residential unit, a decision city staff, and developers believe will help discourage car ownership. Carmel Partners are the owners of the development.

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San Francisco Skyline, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

Biggest Little Permits of the Week: Facade Repair in SoMa, Treehouse planned in Palo Alto and More

This week, the biggest little permits include over sixty additional dwelling units, a 30,000 square foot new medical facility in Alameda, new monuments in Sacramento, and even a treehouse in Palo Alto. At this pace, over three thousand ADU’s would be produced within a year. Along with ADU’s, nineteen new single-family houses were applied for and thirty-four Tesla power walls across the counties. Perhaps the most surprising was a two-story additional dwelling unit in Palo Alto with an estimated construction price of nearly $1.4 million. If ever there was a point where an ADU became just another single-family house, this might be a contender.

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Permits Filed for Storage Facility at 2390 Mariner Square Drive, Marina Village, Alameda

Permits have been filed to construct a new five-story storage facility at 2390 Mariner Square Driver, Marina Village, overlooking the Jack London Square neighborhood of Oakland. The 72-foot tall structure will yield 110,844 square feet to the Alameda island, though it will likely also appeal to Oakland residents. Banner Real Estate Group is responsible for the development.

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