Dahlin Group

Mountain Winery aerial view, image shared by Dahlin Group

Formal Application for Mountain Winery Redevelopment in Saratoga

Formal permits have been submitted for Encore Estates, the builder’s remedy-assisted plans to add hundreds of homes and an 81-room hotel at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, Santa Clara County. Alongside new housing, the project will add a clubhouse, gatehouse, and additional parking to the historic winery and concert venue. William Hirschman of Lexor Builders is responsible for the application.

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2400 Geng Road site map, illustration by Dahlin Group

Preliminary Plans For 2100-2400 Geng Road, Palo Alto

Preliminary permits have been filed for a new residential master plan at 2100-2400 Geng Road in Palo Alto, Santa Clara County. The sprawling project will bring over a hundred apartments and more parking to an office campus next to other offices, San Francisquito Creek, and near the waterfront Baylands Nature Preserve. San Francisco-based Strada Investment Group is responsible for the application.

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