
1481 Exposition Boulevard North Elevation

Apartments To Be Added To A Residential Building At 1481 Exposition Boulevard In Sacramento

A new residential project has been proposed at 1481 Exposition Boulevard in Sacramento. The project proposal includes the development of new apartments with onsite amenities. Plans call for the removal of the existing vehicle parking spaces. KF Properties Inc is the project applicant. LPAS Architecture and Design is responsible for the design concepts and site landscapes.

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Wong Center at 631 F Street, rendering by Kuchman Architects

Affordable Senior Housing at 631 F Street in the Sacramento Railyards District Files New Building Permits

The plan for affordable senior housing is progressing for Wong Center at 631 F Street in Sacramento. Commercial New Building permits have been filed to the city for the four-story project, proposing to replace vacant land and surface parking in the under-built Sacramento Railyards district. Mutual Housing is the project owner and developer.

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