
818 K Street, Kress Building

Permits Filed For Adaptive Reuse of 818 K Street In Downtown Sacramento

Development permits have been submitted seeking the approval of adaptive reuse of the five-story building at 818 K Street in Downtown Sacramento. The project proposal includes constructing thirty-six apartment units in the third, fourth, and fifth floors including HVAC, plumbing, and fire safety.
Permits reveal that K&R Development Inc is the property owner.

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UC Davis Medical Center

$3.75 Billion Campus Expansion Planned For UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento

The UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento proposes campus expansion and splendid refurbishing of its Intensive Care Unit space under a $3.75 billion construction proposal. The project proposes to construct a new sixteen-story hospital tower that will replace the 120,000-square-foot east wing of the hospital and parts of the north and south wings of the hospital. Permits revealed that a new parking structure and a five-story pavilion are also planned adjacent to the existing medical center. The project is proposed to cover an area of 1 million square feet.

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631 F Street Wong Center

Permits Filed For Senior Housing Located At 631 F Street, Sacramento

Development permits were submitted seeking approval for modifications to the site and design review for the construction planned for 631 F Street in Sacramento. The project proposal includes a director-level site plan and building design review of a 150 unit senior housing project. The nonprofit affordable housing developer, Mutual Housing California is the permit applicant. Kuchman Architects is managing the design concept and construction.

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