Senior Housing

Glen at Heather Farm independent living complex, rendering by KTGY

Permits Filed for Glen at Heath Farm development in Walnut Creek

Building permits have been filed for a 354-unit senior living masterplan at 850 Seven Hills Ranch Road in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County. The development, named Glen at Heath Farm, will replace thirty acres of undeveloped open land with a four-story apartment structure, a two-story assisted living center, and over four dozen single-family homes. Spieker Senior Development Partners is responsible for the application.

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2718 G Street

Preliminary Application Filed for 2718 G Street, Midtown, Sacramento

A preliminary application has been submitted seeking the approval of a new housing project at 2718 G Street in Midtown, Sacramento. The project proposal includes the construction of a residential building offering multi-family units. Plans call for the redevelopment of a century old school into a senior housing community. Bardis Homes is the project developer. Mogavero Architects is responsible for the designs.

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Lake Merritt Building B establishing view, rendering by PYATOK

Permits Filed for Lake Merritt BART Affordable Housing

New permits have been submitted seeking the approval of bringing affordable housing at 51 9th Street in Downtown Oakland. The project proposal includes the construction of a seven-story building offering residential units at affordable rates, along with residential amenities, and a commercial kitchen. The project site is located adjacent to the Lake Merritt BART Station.

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824 San Antonio Road 3D Rendering

New Renderings for 824 San Antonio Road in Palo Alto

New project renderings have been released for a senior living residential facility proposed for development at 824 San Antonio Road in Palo Alto. The project proposal includes the construction of a four-story senior living facility. The project calls for the demolition of an existing two-story office building on the site. FORA Architecture is responsible for the designs. BASE Landscape Architecture is responsible for the designs.

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