DES Architects + Engineers

455 Hickey Boulevard office iteration, rendering by DES

Initial CEQA Study Published for Redevelopment at 455 Hickey Boulevard, Daly City

The Environmental Review Process is underway, with the publication of an Initial Study for the redevelopment of 455 Hickey Boulevard in Daly City, San Mateo County. Palo Alto-based King Asset Management is considering replacing the existing complex with more offices or medical labs. City officials are now asking for public comments on the Initial Study results through late June to inform the Final Environmental Impact Report.

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777 Industrial Road pedestrian view, rendering by Stanton Architecture

Presidio Bay Ventures Tops Out On Life Science Project in San Carlos

Construction work has topped out with facade installation nearly complete for the four-story life science project at 777 Industrial Road in San Carlos, San Mateo County. The project rose quickly since our prior coverage in June last year when demolition had finished for everything but a single floor for adaptive reuse. Presidio Bay Ventures is the project developer, and W.L. Butler is the general contractor.

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