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2354 Calle Del Mundo Expects Approval, Tasman East, Santa Clara

The Santa Clara Planning Commission has been recommended to approve plans for 2354 Calle Del Mundo in the Tasman East Specific Plan area at the northern edge of Santa Clara. The eight-story building is expected to add 89 new units near Lafayette Street as part of the rising neighborhood of potentially over four thousand apartments. If approved, it will become the latest of eleven proposals for the area. Long Beach-based Ensemble Real Estate Investments is responsible for the development.

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600 South 1st Street Garden Gate tower aerial view, rendering by C2K Architecture

Demolition Permits Filed for 600 South 1st Street, Downtown San Jose

Demolition permits have been filed for 618 South 1st Street, one of three properties merged in the 252-foot proposed tower at 600 South 1st Street in Downtown San Jose’s southeast corner. The development was first introduced in 2018 and approved by the city council in November of 2019. Amendment permits filed in June of 2020 seek to expand the number of apartments. KT Urban is the project developer, with  Scape as owner since March of 2020 for $16.5 million.

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2901 Broadway corner view, design by BDE Architecture

Renderings Revealed for 2929 Broadway, Pill Hill, Oakland

New development permits have been filed for a large residential building at 2929 Broadway in Pill Hill, Oakland. The proposal will replace a car dealership with 199 new rental apartments for the Oakland housing market, of which 16 will be low-income housing. The Martin Group is responsible for the project as applicant and property owner.

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1021 Valencia Street, design by BDE Architects

Permit Approval Anticipated For 1021 Valencia Street, San Francisco

Development permits were submitted for 1021 Valencia Street in the Mission District, San Francisco, earlier in 2020. A request for Discretionary Review of the filed building permits has been submitted. The project proposal includes the demotion of the existing commercial building and construction of a new mixed-use six-story residence. The building will feature twenty-five residential units and will meet affordable housing criteria; two residential units in the structure will be listed as below-market rate.

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