Y.A. Studio

1939 Market Street, design by Paulett Taggart Architects and YA Studio

Permit Activity For 1939 Market Street, San Francisco

Permit activity has been spotted for the 15-story affordable senior housing proposal at 1939 Market Street by the Castro, San Francisco. The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development has filed a planning application to establish a long-term ground lease for Mercy Housing to take control of the site to build housing for residents within the LGBTQ community. Mercy Housing is the project developer.

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383 6th Avenue

Senior Housing Lottery Due Soon at 383 6th Avenue, Richmond District, San Francisco

Construction is wrapping up for a new senior affordable housing project taking shape and form at 383 6th Avenue, Richmond District, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the development of a seven-story affordable senior housing complex offering 98 units. The Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation is the project developer. The project’s general contractor is Nibbi, and construction manager is Waypoint Consulting. Y.A. Studio is the project architect.

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