Solomon Cordwell Buenz

CCA Oakland West Elevation

New Plans Under Review For California College of the Arts at 5200 Broadway, Oakland

Conceptual and architectural plans are under review for new buildings at California College of the Arts (CCA) Oakland campus at 5200 Broadway, Oakland. The project proposal includes the demolition of ten buildings and the construction of two new buildings along with other campus facilities. The proposal also includes changes in the landscaped areas on campus. CCA is the property owner. Solomon Cordwell Buenz Architects and Jensen Architects have teamed to draft the conceptual plans, design, and are responsible for the construction.   

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399 Fremont Street viewed from Folsom Street, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

Number 43: 399 Fremont Street, SoMa, San Francisco

399 Fremont Street stands at the intersection with Harrison street tied with two other contenders as the 43rd tallest building in the Bay Area built or planned. The curtain wall-wrapped tower rises to a pinnacle of 440 feet tall in SoMa, according to construction contractors Swinerton, matched by 500 Folsom and the adjacent 340 Fremont. The building contributes 447 rental apartments into the Bay Area housing market. UDR is the project developer.

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2016 Telegraph Avenue, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

Facade Installation Underway for 24-Story Mixed-Use Tower at 2016 Telegraph Avenue In Uptown, Oakland

An 24-story mixed-use tower has topped out and is nearly halfway wrapped with its new facade at 2016 Telegraph Avenue in Uptown, Oakland. The building’s towering facade reaches over 180 feet above the ground, and adds 230 new apartments to the fast-changing neighborhood. The 200,000 square foot mixed-use building will include a ground floor residential lobby accompanied by retail space, and three levels of above grade parking.

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2359 Harrison Street evening view, rendering design by Solomon Cordwell Buenz

Planning Approved, Permits Filed For 2359 Harrison Street, Northgate-Waverly, Oakland

Development permits have been approved, with construction permits promptly filed for a sixteen-story mixed-use building at 2359 Harrison Street in Northgate-Waverly, Oakland. The project proposal includes a mixed-use construction, erecting a residential building featuring 328 dwelling units and retail space on the ground floor. The proposed project would demolish the existing surface parking lot and vacant structures to construct a 160 feet high complex spanning over approximately 415,792 square feet.

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