
347 East 18th Street aerial perspective, rendering by Arris Studio Architects

Multi-Family + Commercial Building At 347 East 18th Street, Merritt, Oakland

A density bonus request has been filed for a new multi-family mixed-use project proposed at 347 East 18th Street, Merritt, Oakland. The project proposal includes a four-story building offering residential and commercial space along with onsite parking. Plans call for the demolition of an existing one-story vacant commercial building. Arris Studio Architects is manning the design concepts and construction.

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550 27th Street

Revisions Approved For a Five-Story Building At 550 27th Street In Oakland

Oakland Planning Commission has approved the revisions proposed for a five-story project at 550 27th Street in Oakland. The project proposal includes the construction of a residential facility, including market-rate and affordable housing units. Accel Equity V, LLC is the project applicant. Humphreys and Partners Architects is responsible for the design concepts and construction.

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2805 Park Boulevard

Design Revised For a Residence At 2805 Park Boulevard, Cleveland Heights, Oakland

Updated designs have been revealed for a new multi-family residential project proposed at 2805 Park Boulevard in Cleveland Heights, Oakland. The project proposal includes the revision of an approved project for design change. The approved project is a six-story residential building with commercial space. Efficient CAD is managing the design concepts and construction.

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