Santa Clara County

El Paseo viewed from Saratoga Avenue, rendering by KTGY

El Paseo de Saratoga Approved by San Jose City Council

El Paseo de Saratoga has been approved by the San Jose City Council. The project would bring new density to an area defined by suburban sprawl along Santa Clara County’s western edge. Constructions will replace a portion of a strip mall with nearly a thousand new homes, offices, and a new Whole Foods grocery store at 1312 El Paseo de Saratoga and 1777 Saratoga Avenue. Sand Hill Property is the project developer.

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3155 El Camino Real

Meeting Scheduled Today For 3141-3155 El Camino Real In Santa Clara

Development plans have been filed for a residential community proposed at 3141-3155 El Camino Real in Santa Clara. The project proposal includes the development of three and two-story buildings offering residential spaces along with onsite parking. Oak Investment Group, LLC is the project developer. Bowers Plaza GP is the property owner. KTGY Architecture + Planning is responsible for the design concepts.

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