Santa Clara County

1700 Embarcadero Road angles, design by Praxis3

Permits Filed for Car Dealership at 1700 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto

Recently filed elevations show plans for a new Mercedes-Benz car dealership and service station for 1700 Embarcadero Road in Palo Alto, Santa Clara County. The project will replace a vacant restaurant space and its 160-vehicle parking lot. The Mercedes dealership will provide parking for 81 vehicles and have an inventory capacity of 60 cars. The M Group is managing the development.

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2885 El Camino Real Santa Clara

New Affordable Townhomes on 2855 El Camino Real, Santa Clara

Developments permits have been filed to construct twenty-six townhome units and sixty-two senior apartments on 2885 El Camino Real, Santa Clara. The proposed project involves rezoning planned development and aims at building the new residential units at affordable prices. The proposed project is a part of the development proposed for El Camino Real.

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2354 Calle Del Mundo viewed with neighboring buildings excluded, rendering courtesy Santa Clara City website

2354 Calle Del Mundo Heads to Architecture Review, Tasman East, Santa Clara

Following a recent application, the city of Santa Clara will soon review plans for an eight-story residential building at 2354 Calle Del Mundo in Santa Clara’s Tasman East Specific Plan. If approved, the development will be one of six admitted in the 45-acre redevelopment with offices, housing, and nearby light rail master-planned by the City of Santa Clara. Five more projects are awaiting approval. Ensemble is responsible for developing this building.

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3997 Fabian Way 3D view via Architects Orange

Permits Filed For Demolition and Construction At 3997 Fabian Way, Palo Alto

Development permits have been filed to construct a five-story multi-family building at 3997 Fabian Way, Palo Alto. The proposal includes the demolition of 36,000 square feet of commercial space and a multi-family residence construction. The project will be located on six parcels, and the total open site space is 40,123 square feet. Architects Orange is managing the concept and design of the project.

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