Santa Clara County

3521 Homestead Road, image via Google Satellite

Pre-application Filed for 3521 Homestead Road, Santa Clara

A pre-application permit has been filed for a 5.6-acre mixed-use development at 3521 Homestead Road in Santa Clara. The project would create residential townhomes, affordable housing for seniors, on-site retail, and a large hotel. The listed applicant, SBH Homestead Properties LLC shares an office address with the private equity company Cypress Investments.

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2904 Corvin Drive construction update, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

Affordable Housing Nearly Complete for 2904 Corvin Drive, Santa Clara

Contractors have nearly finished installing the facade for a new affordable housing project at 2904 Corvin Drive, located in the Lawrence Station Area Plan in Santa Clara. The five-story building will yield 77,430 square feet of residential space with 143 affordable micro-units designed for single occupancy. Mayers Architecture is the design architect, with Lowney Architecture servicing as the architect of record.

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588 El Camino Real, design by Studio T Square

Construction Topped Out for 575 Benton Street, Santa Clara

Construction has topped out with significant facade installation progress made for the six-story mixed-use development at 575 Benton Street in Santa Clara, just over a block away from the Santa Clara University campus. The building will produce hundreds of new residential units along with retail and a public plaza. The Prometheus Real Estate Group is responsible for the project.

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