
875 Sansome Street low-rise version, rendering by BDE Architecture

Developer Considering 8-Story or 14-Story Apartments for 875 Sansome Street, San Francisco

Two new proposals have been submitted for housing at 875 Sansome Street in San Francisco. The different applications provide a case study of how state law has changed the development landscape in the city over the last four years since increasing the state density bonus and introducing Assembly Bill 1287. N17 Development filed both projects on behalf of the property owner, Allrise Capital.

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955 Sansome Street pedestrian view along Vallejo Street, rendering by Handel Architects

Tower Grows In Face of Opposition on Telegraph Hill, San Francisco

Some residents have never been happy with plans for 955 Sansome Street, starting with the preliminary seven-story application in 2021 for the corner lot by Telegraph Hill in San Francisco. Since then, three iterations have gone through the planning department, steadily growing to ten floors, then sixteen, and now 24 floors tall. The project application states that the proposal “aspires to restore and revitalize an underutilized site while providing much needed higher density housing for the city.”

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San Francisco Symphony Hall existing interior hall, image by Craig Mole courtesy the Symphony

Historic Review Published for Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco

The San Francisco Symphony is looking to reconstruct its existing concert hall with a new interior designed by Gehry Partners, one of the best modern architects of concert halls. New permits have been filed for the project, and the city has published a new historic resource review on the Davies Symphony Hall in the Civic Center. The review concludes that, given its young age, “the building is not yet eligible for listing” as a historic building in the national or state registers.

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657 Harrison Street aerial view (left) and pedestrian view (right), rendering by Solomon Cordwell Buenz

Demolition Permits Filed for 653-665 Harrison Street in SoMa, San Francisco

Demolition permits have been filed for three two-story commercial office blocks at 653, 657, and 665 Harrison Street in SoMa, San Francisco. The activity comes alongside recently approved modifications to the 35-story residential component of One Vassar, a three-tower mixed-use masterplan. Cresleigh Management Inc., linked to Stanford Hotels Corporation, is listed as the property owner.

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