Articles by Team YIMBY

4609 Shattuck Avenue

Permits Filed For 4609 Shattuck Avenue In Temescal, Oakland

Development permits have been filed seeking the approval of constructing a new four-story mixed-use building at 4609 Shattuck Avenue in Temescal, Oakland. The project proposal includes the demolition of the existing building to allow the construction of a building fourteen residential units with one live-work unit. Gunkel Architecture is managing the design concepts and construction.

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1525 Pine Street

Proposal For a Mixed-Use Building At 1525 Pine Street In Nob Hill, San Francisco Is Under Review

San Francisco Planning Commission will be reviewing a request for continuance of a proposed project at 1525 Pine Street in Nob Hill, San Francisco. The proposal includes the construction of a new eight-story mixed-use commercial and residential building. The project proposes to demolish an existing single-story commercial space occupied by a restaurant. Kerman Morris Architects LLP is managing the design concepts and construction. Nicholas Pigott is responsible for the project as property owner, operating through 1525 Pine Street Dev LLC.

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1230-40 Twin Peaks Boulevard

Single-Family Residences At 1230-1240 Twin Peaks Boulevard, San Francisco

Development permits have been submitted seeking the approval of constructing four single-family houses on project lots at 1230-1240 Twin Peaks Boulevard in Midtown Terrace, San Francisco. Permits have been filed separately for four houses. The project proposes to erect four Type V-A four-story residence with one basement. Three of the houses will have ADU units.
Kotas Pantaleoni Architects is managing the planning, design concept and construction of the project.  Twin Peaks Boulevard is the applicant and property owner. 

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3403 Piedmont Avenue

Residential High-Rise Planned At 3403 Piedmont Avenue In Oakland

Oakland-based oWow Design filed for development permits seeking the approval of constructing a new eight-story residential building at 3403 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland. The project proposes the demolition of a small office building and the construction of 76 units. Named Sawmill Residences, the project will offer onsite affordable units and Density Bonus provisions. oWow Design LLC is managing the design concepts and construction. 3400 Broadway LLC is listed as the property owner and developer.

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2741 16th Street aerial view, rendering by Perkins & Will

Permits Filed For a Commercial Building At 2741 16th Street In Mission District, San Francisco

Development permits have been filed seeking the approval of a new four-story over-the-basement light industrial building at 2741 16th Street in Mission District, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the demolition of an existing surface-level parking lot and constructing the commercial building. Ridge Capital Investors, LLC is the owner and Perkins & Will is the architecture managing the design concept and construction.

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