Articles by Team YIMBY

1225 65th Street

Design Review Occurring Today For 1225 65th Street, Emeryville

Emeryville Planning Commission will be conducting a third study session to review a proposal for a new four-story building at 1225 65th Street, Emeryville. The project proposal consists of a residential complex with twenty-four units with on-site parking. The project requires a major design review, a conditional use permit for 100 bonus points, a variance to eliminate the required three-foot setback on the west side of the property, and a tree removal permit for a tree on 65th Street to provide sidewalk improvements.

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1619 R Street

Approval Recommended For 1619 R Street In Downtown, Sacramento

The Planning Department has voted to recommend that the City Council approve the six-story development at 1619 R Street in Downtown, Sacramento. The project requires approval of entitlements including Site Plan and Design Review to construct a six-story mixed-use building with deviations to building height.
Sacramento-Based architecture firm, Vrilakas Groen Architects is managing the design concept and construction.

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550 27th Street Oakland View

Permits Filed For 550 27th Street In Pill Hill, Oakland

Permits have been filed seeking the approval of new construction at 550 27th Street in Pill Hill, Oakland. The project proposal consists of a new five-story residential building with 40 units. The five-story structure will be constructed off-site and will feature a modular design built over a one-story podium.
Humphreys & Partners Architects is managing the design concepts and construction of the project. Accel Equity V, LLC is the project applicant.

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851 & 853 Sierra Vista Avenue

Permits Filed For 851-853 Sierra Vista Avenue, Mountain View

Permits have been filed seeking the approval of a residential project at 851 & 853 Sierra Vista Avenue, Mountain View. The project proposal includes the construction of nine three-story row houses on a parcel that currently houses three single-family houses and an industrial warehouse.
MBI Homes and Design Groups is in charge of design concepts, permit applications, and the overall development process.

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650 & 654 28th Street

Demolition Permits Filed For 650 and 654 28th Street, Noe Valley, San Francisco

Permits have been filed seeking the approval of the demolition of two single-family dwellings at two parcels, 650 and 654 28th Street in Noe Valley, San Francisco. The project proposal includes constructing a three-story type V single-family residence with an ADU at both parcels. Evoco Architecture and Interiors is managing the design concepts and construction of both residences.

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