Articles by Team YIMBY

Oak Knoll Townhomes

More Single Family Housing Under Review at 8750 Mountain Boulevard In Oakland

A Final Development Permit (FDP) has been submitted seeking the approval of a housing project at 8750 Mountain Boulevard in Oakland. The project proposal includes the development of townhomes on two parcels that are a part of the bigger project site. The project will undergo three phases of development. SunCal is the project applicant. Oak Knoll Venture Acquisitions LLC is the property owner. Danielian Associates is the main architect on the project while PGAdesign is responsible for the landscape architecture.

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434 Cortland Avenue Commercial Space

Plans Filed For 434 Cortland Avenue In Bernal Heights, San Francisco

Development permits have been submitted seeking the approval of a mixed-use residential project at 434 Cortland Avenue in Bernal Heights, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the development of a three-story residence with basement, retail space, and onsite parking. Plans call for the demolition of an exisiting one-story commercial building. HC Design and Management is responsible for the design concepts.

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2515 Folsom Street

Permits Filed For Apartments At 2515 Folsom Street, Mission District, San Francisco

Development permits have been submitted seeking the approval of a residential project at 2515 Folsom Street in Mission District, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the development of a four-story apartment building. Plans call for the demolition of a two-story single-family dwelling on the site. Shatara Architecture Inc is responsible for the design concepts.

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