Articles by Team YIMBY

4300 San Pablo Avenue Rendering

Hearing Scheduled For Affordable Housing Proposed At 4300 San Pablo Avenue In Emeryville

City Planning Commission of Emeryville has proposed a public hearing for an affordable housing project proposed at 4300 San Pablo Avenue in Emeryville. The project proposal includes the development of a five-story 100% affordable intergenerational housing project with onsite amenities and community spaces. KTGY Architects is responsible for the design concepts.

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555 Keyes Street

Development Plan Released For 555 Keyes Street In San Jose

A new affordable residential project has been proposed at 555 Keyes Street in San Jose. The project proposal includes the development of a six-story building offering 100 percent affordable residential units over a one-story basement. Charities Housing is the project developer. David Baker Architects is responsible for the design concepts.

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1629 S Street View

Retail + Residences Planned At 1629 S Street In Sacramento

Development permits have been filed seeking the approval of a mixed-use project at 1629 S Street in Sacramento.  The project proposal includes the development of a four-story mixed-use building offering residential and retail spaces. Plans call for the demolition of the existing structures and trees on the site. Vrilakas Groen Architects is responsible for the design concepts.

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