Articles by Team YIMBY

4421 4th Avenue West Elevation

Permits Filed For 4421 4th Avenue In Oak Park, Sacramento

Development permits have been filed for a residential project at 4421 4th Avenue in Oak Park, Sacramento. The project proposal includes the development of a new three-story apartment building with onsite amenities, patios, and parking. The site is currently developed with a duplex and a detached accessory structure (garage). Plans call for the demolition of the garage to allow for the construction of the multi-unit building. Elk Grove-based Infinity Designs is responsible for the design concepts.

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Alves Lane Apartments

Project Application Filed For Alves Lane Apartments In Contra Costa County

An application has been filed seeking the approval of a development plan to allow the construction of a new apartment complex in Alves Lane, Contra Costa County. The project proposal includes the development of multiple family residences with onsite surface parking and residential amenities. Meta Housing Corporation is the project developer. Dahlin Group is responsible for the design concepts. R3 Studios is managing the landscape architecture of the site.

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3927-3931 19th Street

Review Meeting For 3927-3931 19th Street In The Castro, San Francisco

A project review meeting will be held to discuss a residential project at 3927-3931 19th Street in the Castro, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the development of a multi-family building, occupying the undeveloped areas of the site. Plans call for the demolition of the eastern two buildings on the site. Liberty Hill Holdings LLC is the property owner. Studio 12 Architecture is responsible for the design concepts.

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