Articles by Team YIMBY

BioMed Center of Innovation

Emeryville City Council Approve Final Development Plans for Center of Innovation

Development plans have been approved for constructing the BioMed Emeryville Center of Innovation at 5300 Chiron Way, Emeryville. The project proposal includes the demolition of two existing buildings and surface parking and the construction of four new multi-tenant research and development buildings as a part of the implementation of the Emeryville Life Sciences Center Planned Unit Development (PUD), also referred to as The Chiron.

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Presidio Tunnel Tops Aerial View

Presidio Tunnel Tops To Take Shape In The Presidio of San Francisco By Spring 2022

National Park Service, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, and The Presidio Trust have teamed up to develop a fourteen-acre recreational parkland atop highway tunnels offering stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay, Presidio, and the San Francisco skyline. The green space is a perfect chance for transforming highway infrastructure into a vibrant new public space for the Bay Area residents. James Corner Field Operations is the architecture design team involved in the project.

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1024 Mission Road Elevation

Permits Filed for 1024 Mission Road, South San Francisco, San Mateo County

Development permits are being reviewed seeking the approval of a wellness center at 1024 Mission Road in South San Francisco, San Mateo County. The project proposal includes the construction of a three-story building with surface parking. The South San Francisco Health Campus will serve as a hub to provide health care services.
SmithGroup is architecture firm managing the design concept and construction. XL Construction is the construction manager.

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4822 19th Street South Elevation

Permits Filed for 4822 19th Street, Castro, San Francisco

Development permits have been approved for constructing a single-family home at 4822 19th Street in Castro-Upper Market, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the construction of a two-story Type V-B residence with a basement. SIA Consulting Corp is managing the design concept and construction of the project.

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