Santa Clara County

Platform 16 aerial view, rendering by Kohn Pedersen Fox

Crews Spotted, Developer Considers Active Construction for Platform 16 near Diridon Station, San Jose

Douglas Linde, president of Boston Properties, BXP, announced yesterday on a phone call that the firm is actively considering resuming the construction of Platform 16 in 2022, an office development at 441 West Julian Street, San Jose. The announcement came just as SFYIMBY spotted crew activity on the construction site that has been stalled since March of 2020. Platform 16 is a joint development with BXP, TMG Partners, and Valley Oak Partners. BXP maintains a 55% ownership of the project.

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2300 Calle De Luna view of park at Calle De Luna, rendering by Steinberg Hart

Project Highlight: 2300 Calle De Luna, Tasman East, Santa Clara

Today’s story highlights the proposed development at 2300 Calle De Luna, a two-towered mixed-use development by Related California. 2300 Calle De Luna is located on Parcel 3 of the Tasman East Specific Plan, which imagines a high-density mixed-use district by Levi Stadium in Santa Clara. Tasman Parcel 3 will add hundreds of apartments and senior housing along with retail and public landscaping to the Silicon Valley housing market.

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Great Mall Parkway view, rendering via the City of Milpitas

Milpitas Considering Zoning for 7,000 Apartments in Transit-Oriented Plan

The City of Milpitas is encouraging the public to comment on a new draft plan to rezone portions of the city, the Milpitas Metro Specific Plan. MMSP would establish five new districts around the city’s BART Station, which opened in June of 2020. Full build-out could produce roughly seven thousand apartments, two and a half million square feet of office space, light industrial space, retail, and hotels to be built by 2040.

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