San Francisco

1101-1123 Sutter Street differing color option, design by David Baker Architects via Martin Building

Permits Filed for 1101-1123 Sutter Street, Polk Gulch, San Francisco

New building permits have been filed for the 14-story mixed-use development at 1101-1123 Sutter Street in Polk Gulch, San Francisco. The permits call for 201 new units to be built, which would provide the most housing of four options considered by the Historic Preservation Commission in early February. The Martin Building Company is responsible for the development through 1101 Sutter Affordable LP.

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300 De Haro Street, rendering by BAR Architects

New Renderings Revealed for 300 De Haro Street, Potrero Hill, San Francisco

New renderings have been revealed from planning documents for a twelve-story group housing project at 300 De Haro Street in Potrero Hill, San Francisco. The recent iteration of the proposal is poised to create 450 co-living units on the neighborhood border with SoMa, including affordable housing. DM Development is responsible for the project, with BAR Architects in charge of design.

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2134-2140 Market Street, rendering by Macy Architecture

Permits Filed for 2134-2140 Market Street, The Castro, San Francisco

Conditional Use Authorization permits have been filed for an eight-story residential project at 2134-2140 Market Street in the Duboce Triangle corner of the Castro, San Francisco. The project will yield 70 new units, making use of the State Density bonus. Macy Architecture is the architect and has confirmed Kent Mirkhani of 2134 Market Street is their client and project developer.

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249 Pennsylvania Avenue outdated four story proposal, rendering courtesy project website

Expanded Permits Filed for 249 Pennsylvania Avenue, Potrero Hill, San Francisco

New preliminary project assessment permits have been filed for an expanded seven-story residential development on 249 Pennsylvania Avenue in Potrero Hill, San Francisco. The plan will create 95 new units, adding significantly more to the housing stock than the previously approved 57-unit four-story proposal. William Spencer Company, based in Brisbane, California, is responsible for the development as the property owner.

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