San Francisco

Mission Library, rendering via SF Public Works

Permits filed for Library Renovation of 300 Bartlett Street, Mission District, San Francisco

Planning applications have been approved, and new building permits filed to renovate and expand the existing Mission Branch library at 300 Bartlett Street in San Francisco’s Mission District. The city-led proposal would modernize and increase the accessibility of the 107-year old building. The San Francisco Public Works is responsible for the design and application.

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El Rey Theater Rendering

Historical Landmark El Rey Theater In Mount Davidson Manor San Francisco To Be Remodeled

A Preliminary Project Assessment application has been submitted seeking the approval of two residential buildings at 1970 Ocean Avenue in Mount Davidson Manor, San Francisco. The project proposal includes the construction of the residential buildings and renovation and restoration of a theater that is landmarked as a historical site. An Art Deco piece, the El Rey Theater was designed in 1931 by JR Miller and Timothy Pflueger. The project has received an HRE report from Page & Turnbull.
Goldman Architects is managing the design concept and construction.

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India Basin Big Green Park, rendering by Steelblue

India Basin Development Activity in San Francisco Planning Department

A recent planning application has shown activity for the mixed-use India Basin masterplan around 700 Innes Avenue in Bayview/Hunters Point, San Francisco. The Phase planning application has been submitted for review, stating that the multi-phase project will provide up to 1,575 new residential units, 209,100 square feet of commercial/retail space, 24.5 acres of open space, and parking for 1,800 vehicles and 1,575 bicycles. India Basin is a joint development between BUILD and the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department.

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