Articles by Andrew Nelson

2619 Mission Street, via 2619mission Apartments Website

Permits Filed for 2619 Mission Street, Mission District, San Francisco

Permits have been filed for a residential expansion at the distinctive apartment building at 2619 Mission Street in the Mission District, San Francisco. The permits would expand the unit offering on-site from 32 to 41, over thirty percent increase along the commercial thoroughfare. The property is run by GreenTree Property Management, within the umbrella of Veritas Investments Inc.

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451 28th Street, design by Kerman Morris Architects

54-Unit 451 28th Street Permits Submitted, Pill Hill, Oakland

New building permits have been filed for a 54-unit mixed-use building at 451 28th Street in the Pill Hill neighborhood, Oakland. The six-story project on top of the currently-vacant lot includes three affordable/very-low-income units, with an estimated construction cost of over $1 million. Winder Gibson Architects are responsible for the building’s design.

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