Articles by Andrew Nelson

Museum of Jazz and Art at 1310 Oak Street, rendering by Allen Architectural Engineer

Pre-Application Filed for Museum of Jazz and Art at 1310 Oak Street, Downtown Oakland

Pre-application documents for a several-times proposed Museum of Jazz and Art have been accepted for review by the Oakland Planning Commission. The museum hopes to build on city-owned land at 1310 Oak Street, across from Lake Merritt in downtown Oakland. David Allen, the founder, CEO, and Board Chairman of the Museum of Jazz and Art and lead at Allen Architectural Engineer, is responsible for the crystalline design.

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300 South 1st Street Hero view, rendering courtesy Westbank

Meeting Today To Review DEIR and Potential Skybridge for Orchard Workspace, Downtown San Jose

The San Jose planning department is scheduled to review the draft supplemental environmental impact report for Orchard Workspace in Downtown San Jose at 6 PM today. Orchard Workspace consists of two proposed office towers as high as 301 feet above street level with new retail at 300 South 1st Street and 345 South 2nd Street. The major revelation ahead of the meeting is that a new sky bridge is considered to connect the two office buildings on levels ten and eleven. The project is one of several prospective San Jose projects with Gary Dillabough and Westbank as the joint developers.

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