Articles by Andrew Nelson

2530 18th Street, rendering by Mithun

Meeting Today For Affordable Housing Loan in San Francisco

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is scheduled to vote on a potential loan for the affordable housing proposal at 2530 18th Street in the city’s Mission District. The scheduled item relates to a potential $6.9 million loan for the acquisition of the two-story commercial structure. Mercy Housing is the project developer, working alongside the existing tenant, the Homeless Prenatal Program resource center.

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600 Bancroft Way aerial view, rendering by HGA

Permits Filed for R&D Offices at 600 Bancroft Way, Berkeley

Design review permits have been filed for the four-story research and development space at 600 Bancroft Way in Southwest Berkeley, Alameda County. The project would bring a quarter million square feet of office space for the life science industry during a period of high vacancies but signs of optimism for prospective developers. Burlingame-based Woodstock Development is responsible for the application on behalf of the property owner, Invesco Real Estate.

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