Mountain Winery aerial view, image shared by Dahlin Group

Formal Application for Mountain Winery Redevelopment in Saratoga

Formal permits have been submitted for Encore Estates, the builder’s remedy-assisted plans to add hundreds of homes and an 81-room hotel at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, Santa Clara County. Alongside new housing, the project will add a clubhouse, gatehouse, and additional parking to the historic winery and concert venue. William Hirschman of Lexor Builders is responsible for the application.

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1581 Minnesota Avenue

Meeting Scheduled for New Residences at 1581 Minnesota Avenue, San Jose

A new residential project has been proposed for development at 1582 Minnesota Avenue in San Jose. The project proposal includes the construction of a new two-story single-family residential building. Once approved, the project will require the demolition of an existing accessory structure on the site. Green Bellagio Builders Inc is the client. Memaire Associates Inc is responsible for the designs.

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